

Publisher: Faculty of Medicine Osijek, Cara Hadrijana 10E,,
Editor-in-Chief: Ines Drenjančević, MD PhD
ISSN (Print):
ISSN (Online): 2459-9484
Previous volumes

Southeastern European Medical Journal (SEEMEDJ) is an open access international, peer reviewed, scientific and professional journal that present of original basic and applied research from all fields of medicine (general and clinical practice, and basic medical sciences), seeks to promote the development and exchange of knowledge that is directly relevant to all spheres of nursing practice (ambulatory, community and family care, home, hospital, primary and secondary practice, and public health), as well as physiotherapy, sanitary and laboratory engineering, laboratory biotechnology, midwives. SEEMEDJ is an international peer-reviewed Diamond Open Access journal published two times per year. The SEEMEDJ uses the Diamond Open Access model. This means that there are NO author processing fees and no fees to access the published papers. There are no article submission charges. The free access is available on our web page as well as in HRCAK. Guidelines for authors is in accordance with the text: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Uniform Requirements for Manuscript (URM) Submitted to Biomedical Journals (

Povijesni zbornik – a yearbook for culture and historical heritage

Publisher: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek and Association of historians of Slavonia and Baranja, Osijek
Editor-in-Chief: Slađana Josipović Batorek
ISSN (Print): 1846-3819
ISSN (Online): 1849-0956
Previous volumes

Povijesni zbornik – a yearbook for culture and historical heritage
Publisher (University unit): Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek
Short description (Aims and scope): Povijesni zbornik – a yearbook for culture and historical heritage is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes scientific contributions in the field of history and related sciences, especially archeology, art history, ethnology and anthropology. It is open to the humanities experts from different fields at home and abroad. The journal publishes original research papers, review articles, professional papers, and reports from scientific and professional conferences, as well as reviews, notes, and responses.
Source and funding: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek
Page charge: no charge
Year of publication of the first issue (predecessor): 2007
Publishing frequency (year): annually (note: the last issue was published in 2012)
Language: Croatian
Impact Factor:
Abstracting and Indexing:

Osijek Mathematical Gazette

Publisher: Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek in cooperation with the Osijek Mathematical Society
Editor-in-Chief: Zdenka Kolar-Begović
ISSN (Print): 1845 – 4607
ISSN (Online): 1848 – 946X
Previous volumes

Osječki matematički list (Osijek Mathematical Gazette)
Publisher (University unit): Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek
Short description (Aims and scope): Osijek Mathematical Gazette is intended for students and primary and secondary school teachers, as well as mathematics students. The Gazette publishes professional papers in the fields of mathematics and computing, but also topics from other areas if they are related to the basic profile of the journal. In addition to classic papers, the Gazette also contains contributions to the Historical Section, Problems and Solutions, as well as tasks from mathematics and computing competitions, tasks and solutions from university entrance examinations, information from the Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek, information from the Osijek Mathematical Society, information from the Math Club, etc.
Source and funding: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Page charge: There is no page charge for papers.
Year of publication of the first issue (predecessor):
2001-2005 Osječka matematička škola (Osijek Mathematical School)
2005 – Osječki matematički list (Osijek Mathematical Gazette)
Publishing frequency (year): 2
Language: Croatian
Impact Factor: –
Abstracting and Indexing:

  • Hrčak
  • DOAJ