
Život i škola: Journal for theory and practice of education

Publisher: Faculty of Education, University of Osijek
Editor-in-Chief: Anđelka Peko
ISSN (Print): 0044-4855
ISSN (Online):
Previous volumes

ŽIVOT I ŠKOLA: journal for theory and practice of education
Publisher (University unit): Faculty of Education, University of Osijek
Short description (Aims and scope): LIFE AND SCHOOL is one of the oldest Croatian journals in athe area of pedagogy theory and practice. First issue was published in 1952. In the beginning it had a regional orientation, which expanded through years as it became one of the leading pedagogical journals in Croatia. Today there is an international editorial board and the papers are cited in relevant databases. It publishes papers in the field of pre-school, school and higher education. By following the contents of the journal, it is possible to follow the changes that took place not just in Croatian but also in international education systems and pedagogy.
Source and funding: Faculty of Education, University of Osijek; since July 2012, the printing is also supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports with 20.000,00 kuna
Page charge: no charge
Year of publication of the first issue (predecessor): 1952
Publishing frequency (year): 2
Language: Croatian
Impact Factor:
Abstracting and Indexing:
– EBSCO Publishing, Editoral Department, Massachusetts, USA
– Emerald Management Reviews database, United Kingdom
– Ulrich Serials System, USA
– Hrčak

Technical Gazette

Publisher: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Slavonski Brod, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Osijek
Editor-in-Chief: Pero Raos
ISSN (Print): 1330-3651
ISSN (Online): 1848-6339
Previous volumes

Tehnički vjesnik – Technical Gazette
Publisher (University unit): Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Osijek
Short description (Aims and scope): The Journal Tehnički vjesnik – Technical Gazette (TV-TG) established in 1993 with the aim of publishing scientific and professional papers in the area of mechanical, electrical and civil engineering as well as their boundary areas. The Journal takes an integrated approach to all subjects related to research, design, manufacture, performance validation and application of different technical fields. Upon its acceptance the paper is categorized as follows: original scientific paper, preliminary notes, subject review or professional paper.
The scopes include: Mechanical Engineering and Technology; Electrical Engineering and Technology;
Civil Engineering and Technology; Electronics and Communication Engineering and Technology; Production Technology and Management; Design and Manufacturing Technology; Information Technology and Management Information System; Computer Engineering and Technology;
Graphics and Multimedia; Architecture; Industrial Engineering Research and Development
Source and funding: Ministry of science, education and sports of the Republic of Croatia + additional publication fee
Page charge: 50 EUR/page (+25 % VAT)
Year of publication of the first issue (predecessor): 1994
Publishing frequency (year): 6
Language: English
Impact Factor: 0,579 (for 2014)
Abstracting and Indexing:
– Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science) and Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (from January 2008)
– Ei-Compendex
– Geo Abstracts (Civil Engineering, Process Engineering and FLUIDEX) (DIALOG, ESA/IRS)
– Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA: Metals Abstracts/METADEX, Engineering Materials Abstracts, Ceramic Abstracts, Corrosion Abstracts, and Materials Business FileSteel Alerts)
– Elsevier Biobase
– Elsevier GeoAbstracts
– PaperChem

South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal

Publisher: Faculty of Health Care and Nursing, University of „Vitez“, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Faculty of Medicine University of Osijek
Editor-in-Chief: Selma Uzunović
ISSN (Print): 2233-0186
ISSN (Online):
Previous volumes

South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal
Publisher (University unit): Faculty of Health Care and Nursing, University of „Vitez“, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Faculty of Medicine University of Osijek
Short description (Aims and scope): South Eastern Europe Health Sciences Journal (SEEHSJ) is an international, peer reviewed scientific and professional journal that presents of original basic and applied research from all fields of medicine (general and clinical practice, and basic medical sciences), seeks to promote the development and exchange of knowledge that is directly relevant to all spheres of nursing practice (ambulatory, community and familiy care, home, hospital, primary and secondary practice and public health), as well as physiotherapy, sanitary and laboratory engineering, laboratory biotechnology, midwives.
Source and funding: N/A
Page charge: no charge
Year of publication of the first issue (predecessor): November 2001 (1 volume, 1 issue)
Publishing frequency (year): 2
Language: Croatian, English, Bosnian, Serbian
Impact Factor:
Abstracting and Indexing:

  • EMBASE (Excerpta Medica)
  • Scopus