Establishment of the Quality Assurance Center of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (abbreviated: Quality Assurance Center) in January 2014, is the result of the systematic approach to the higher education quality at the University which has been developed since 2006. The quality assurance system of the University is based on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and is structured in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001 for the management of educational, scientific-research and business processes.
Quality Assurance Center carries out various activities to improve the quality of teaching such as system evaluation and analysis, drafting and revision of system documentation, organization of student evaluation of teaching and teachers as well as education for teachers, administrative staff and students in different areas (professional counseling and time management for students, learning outcomes and knowledge transfer in the field of project application and implementation, etc.). Employees of the Center are responsible for academic recognition procedures of higher education qualifications and recognition of periods of study and credits at the University level. Centre’s employees participate in the implementation of several national and international projects related to the studying quality improvement – projects for better employability of students, for the recognition of non-formal and informal learning, for the equalization of opportunities for students with disabilities, projects related to the development and implementation of the Croatian Qualifications Framework.
Quality Assurance Center should, based of those various activities, become a permanent meeting and communication place of various stakeholders of higher education – students, teachers, employers, graduates and experts, the Croatian Employment Service, local and regional authorities, with the objective that their interactions improve the quality of education at the University of Osijek.
The Center is a subsidiary of a special unit of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, carrying out tasks related to the system of management and improving quality of higher education system of the University. Center operates as a unique university center for monitoring and improving quality of higher education, it is linked with the organizational units responsible for quality assurance at scientific-educational, artistic-educational and educational units and coordinate their work.
Senate of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek at its fourth session in the academic year 2013/2014, held on January 28, 2014 under the item 3 of the agenda, adopted the Decision on the appointment of Prof. Sanja Lončar Vicković at the position of the Head of the Quality assurance center.
Organizational units of the Center are following offices:
· Office for quality assurance of education
· Office for administrative and general affairs
· Office for academic recognition of higher education qualifications, recognition of study periods and ECTS credits
About the CenterAdmin D2020-02-18T11:55:17+01:00