11 05.2016.

Workshop “How to present yourself successfully at the job interview”

By |2016-05-19T14:01:23+02:0011.05.2016.|News and Events, Various|

Workshop "How to present yourself successfully at the job interview" Quality Assurance Center of the University of Osijek organizes a workshop for all interested students:" How to present yourself successfully at the job interview". The workshop will be held at the Quality Assurance Center of the University of Osijek, Cara Hadrijana 10c (University Campus) on Tuesday, 17 May 2016, starting at 13:30. The workshop is intended for all interested students of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. Applications will be accepted by 16 May 2016 on the following e-mail: visnja@unios.hr

4 05.2016.


By |2016-05-19T14:01:07+02:0004.05.2016.|News and Events, Various|

IPA project "QUALITYWATCH" Employees of the Quality Assurance Center have participated at a lecture on transparency of quality assurance in higher education. This slecture was held at the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports on 3 May 2016. It was a part of the implementation of the IPA project "QUALITYWATCH": The active role of civil society organizations in monitoring and promoting quality in higher education in Croatia ". There were presented examples of good practice on the external quality assurance procedures, the ranking of higher education institutions and transparency (THE, Shanghai, QS, U-Multirank, U-Map), complementary activities in quality assurance procedures, [...]

2 05.2016.

“Writing of the Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Motivational Letter”

By |2016-05-19T14:00:53+02:0002.05.2016.|News and Events, Various|

Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Carrer Advising Service organizes a workshop for all interested students: ‘’Writing of the Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Motivational Letter’’ The workshop will be held at the Quality Assurance Center, Cara Hadrijana 10c (University Campus) on Tuesday, May 10th, 2016 starting at 13:30 hours. The workshop is organized for all interested students of University of Osijek. Students can send their applications for participation till Monday, May 9th, 2016 to the e - mail address: holjenko@unios.hr.

19 03.2016.

Quality Management Symposium

By |2016-05-19T14:00:31+02:0019.03.2016.|News and Events, Various|

On 17th and 18th of March, 2016, Head of Department for improving the quality of education has participated on 17th International Quality Management Symposium (‘’Quality makes a difference’’) that was held in Zadar. According to the program of the Symposium, Head of Department for improving the quality of education presented a paper called ‘’QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT THE JOSIP JURAJ STROSSMAYER UNIVERSITY OF OSIJEK BASED ON ESG STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ISO 9001 STANDARD’’. Authors of the paper are: Assoc. Prof. Sanja Lončar-Vicković; Assoc. Prof. Zlata Dolaček-Alduk; Višnja Sak Bosnar, M. Econ.; Marina Holjenko, LL.M. and [...]