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University Units and Erasmus courses

By |2024-09-06T12:16:29+02:0008.04.2016.|

COURSES FOR INCOMING STUDENTS OFFERED BY: Academy of Arts and Culture Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Education Catholic Faculty of Theology in Đakovo Faculty of Economics and Business Faculty of Kinesiology Faculty of Law Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Faculty of Food Technology Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology School of Applied Mathematics and [...]

Presentation of the University of Osijek at Technische Hochschule Rosenheim

By |2022-12-06T12:43:32+01:0014.11.2022.|Uncategorized|

For the first time this year, Technische Hochschule Rosenheim organised the International Staff Week targeting the staff working in offices for international cooperation. Lidija Getto, Head of International Relations Office, and Josipa Pleša, Erasmus coordinator for outgoing student mobility, participated in the International Staff Week as representatives of the University of Osijek. During a five-day meeting, they presented the University of Osijek’s activities related to international and bilateral cooperation, as well as student and staff mobility. In addition to active participation in workshops dealing with teamwork issues, blended intensive programmes – BIP and international student exchange, Lidija and Josipa held [...]

New project RELEARN – REsearch-based teaching for life-long LEARNing at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology

By |2022-12-06T12:48:05+01:0013.10.2022.|Uncategorized|

The project is funded by the Erasmus+ KA202. The project objective is to create a platform that will enable the so-called research-based teaching. The main idea is that teachers introduce more easily the latest scientific findings into the course contents that they teach. For this purpose, a software platform is to be created that would use machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to find appropriate scientific materials (publications, books, scientific articles), research groups which deal with the requested topics, institutions and organisations, etc. On the other hand, students shall be encouraged to use the latest scientific materials when dealing with [...]

Representatives of the Parliament of Ireland visit the University of Osijek

By |2018-11-09T08:39:29+01:0009.11.2018.|Uncategorized|

The meeting with the representatives of the Parliament of Ireland (H.E. Mr. John Brassil, TD, Head of delegation; H.E. Mr. Kevin O’Keeffee; H.E. Mrs. Maria Byrne, Senator; H.E. Mrs. Olive Hempenstall, Ambassador of Ireland to Croatia; Mrs. Eileen Lawor, representative of the Houses of the Oireachtas Service; Mr. Bernard Vrban, official for public relations at the Embassy of Ireland to Croatia; Mr. Domagoj Hajduković, Chair of the Croatian-Irish Inter-parliamentary Friendship Group and Mrs. Ana Perić, Secretary of Croatian-Irish Inter-parliamentary Friendship Group) was held in the Rector’s Office on 24 October 2018. The hosts of the meeting at the Rector’s Office [...]

UNIOS Academic information

By |2024-11-22T11:46:47+01:0008.04.2016.|

At the most of University units the academic year is divided into two semesters. First winter semester starts in the first week of October and ends in January. First examination period takes place in February, and the second summer semester starts in the first week of March and lasts until the middle of June. The second examination period starts in the second part of June and lasts until the end of July. August is the time of summer vacation, and September refers to the third examination period.   Academic Calendar 2024/2025 Winter semester lectures / teaching period: [...]